templates/galilea/includes/footer.html.twig line 1
{% set socialNetworkLabelMap = {
'instagram': 'Instagram',
'linkedin': 'LinkedIn',
'kununu': 'Kununu',
} %}
{% if sulu_snippet_load_by_area('footerinfo', 'galilea-website') %}
{% set footer = sulu_snippet_load_by_area('footerinfo', 'galilea-website') %}
{% set navLeftItems = footer is defined and footer ? sulu_navigation_root_flat('footer_left', 10) : null %}
{% set navMiddleItems = footer is defined and footer ? sulu_navigation_root_flat('footer_middle', 10) : null %}
{% set navRightItems = footer is defined and footer ? sulu_navigation_root_flat('footer_right', 10) : null %}
{% set navBottomItems = footer is defined and footer ? sulu_navigation_root_flat('footer_bottom', 10) : null %}
{% endif %}
{{ include('galilea/import/components/footer.twig', {
footer_title: 'Where knowledge comes to live and processes flow',
footer_copyright: '© Galilea All rights reserved',
footer_animation: '["", "", ""]',
footer_nav: footer is defined ? []|merge(
navLeftItems is defined and navLeftItems ? [{
title: footer.content.link_column_left_title,
items: navLeftItems|map(item => {
url: sulu_content_path(item.url, item.webspaceKey),
title: item.title,
target: null
}] : [])|merge(
navMiddleItems is defined and navMiddleItems ? [{
title: footer.content.link_column_center_title,
items: navMiddleItems|map(item => {
url: sulu_content_path(item.url, item.webspaceKey),
title: item.title,
target: null
}] : [])|merge(
navRightItems is defined and navRightItems ? [{
title: footer.content.link_column_right_title,
items: sulu_navigation_root_flat('footer_right', 10)|map(item => {
url: sulu_content_path(item.url, item.webspaceKey),
title: item.title,
target: null
}] : []) : [],
footer_subnav: navBottomItems is defined and navBottomItems ? navBottomItems|map(item => {
url: sulu_content_path(item.url, item.webspaceKey),
title: item.title,
target: null
}) : [],
social: footer.content.organisation[0] is defined ? footer.content.organisation[0].socialMediaProfiles|map(item => {
url: item.username,
title: socialNetworkLabelMap|keys|filter(networkKey => ('www.' ~ networkKey ~ '.com') in item.username)|map(networkKey => socialNetworkLabelMap[networkKey])|first,
target: '_blank'
}) : [],
baseIncludePath: 'galilea/import/'
}) }}